Succession laws are those laws that govern who becomes the new ruler of a realm upon the death of the previous incumbent. Every title in Crusader Kings II has associated succession laws. If a ruler holds multiple titles, the succession laws of the highest ranked realm apply. If a ruler of, for example, king rank has multiple kingdom titles, the succession laws of each kingdom will apply for that kingdom, and the de jure territory of that kingdom.
"' - .J THE SUN, SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1892- i SI PICK OF THE CANINE RACEfl ,t riiWBiE r.tntmr or noaa forI XBBUADISOX Slfl'AKB GARBES 8UOV.rrebMr alnct Collcertloa Kvcr OotToclkcr-AII Hie Kings and QneenaB of Field. Mlth Other Champlo-B Heme of the Aristocrats tor the Htaow.j. Madison Bqusro OnrUon has boon filled withiwett sounds by Ollmoro's band: charmingI dnctrsliavo warbled thoro to tho dollcht ofI Urge Catherines: Hwoct flowers followed, toiltllcht and to fill tho Garden with fragrance :next cme tho cncltllnc hens and crowingntGLIBIt BLOODHOUND TICTOILtooks.iflthfeatlicrocl beauties of all vutlelio.msltlnc more noise thnn melody: nnd they arosoon to bo succeeded by an orchestra of a totally different kind, for tho doc must have hisdsy. and beglnnlnn with Fob. '.23. and continulnc for 'ur Jay9. tho slxtoenth annual NewTork dos show will bo In full blast.The rrocress tuado durlnc the year has beenmora marked than In tho past, showlne thatthere Is an lneroaslns Intoroat In that which Isnoble and beautiful, as well as In the useful, ofthe animal world. Tho ciandour of tho SaintBarnard has attracted marked attention, fabulous sums having boon paid for the best sped-4 T.NOLIsrt BLOODHOUND JUDITH.mens from Europe, and many fine ones havebeen trod In America. Tho dlsplaythts yearrill be of unusual merit, Massachusetts hasfor some tlmo past carriod away tho most coyetod honors, but this year tho Empire Statenil! mate a bold attempt to secure a share.7lio Duchess and Now York kennels will trytoncluslons with Wyoming and Melrose. Thenlthful. intelligent English mastiff has alwaysf.jimd many admirers, and J. L. Wincholl ofl'.ilr tlnven. Vt. will this year produce anii an brod specimen in Beaufort's BlackUES. HIIXESLET (MISS KATE YACGllAN) AND THEBIBEEIAN WOLFHOUND KBILUTT.Prince. Tvho Is equal to any Imported stock.The same may be said of the English blood' hound Victor, from tho same konnol.Chicago was selected as a centre for the admirers of the Great Dane or Gorman mastiff.And in the less settled States these agile andpowerful dogs aro found very useful. Thereare many fine specimens nlf o In the East, andjin exhibit from tho Hisli Ground and othorkennels will Insure n worthy representation.wfouu(ilsnd bus civen to tho world tho bestGeneral utility and watordog oxtant, but theyarn probably lik prophets, and while foreignvarieties are tainlng so much attention thoyare deteriorating.The graceful and beautiful of the caninerace hae always been honored. Col. North,tho nitrate king, who bought the renownedrullcrton for $.i,000. sent some English grey-BEAUrOHT'S black prince.hounds to- a friend In one of the WesternMates, and muny others have been Importedpurine the past year for tho oourslne evnuts'"..KjinsRS ami California. Therefore tliero,V'I .b, hounds on exhibition carrying theMood of those that liavo gained world-widepute. Of Scottish deerhnund Mr. Thayor. thofO'ton banker, nnd Mr. Page, the Wall streetcapitalist, will exhibit thflrlennelf. , xunrortunately the American dollars going to'ussla for the latest fad In dogs will not helpH'a"lng peasants, for it is only tho iirlucsiM,Eoble?who keen the Barzolor ltusilanwoimound. Many Ilusslan wolfhounds hav-im'7. arrived from their native homo uudJill be on oxiilbltion nt the coming show,Aney are nearly equal in grace uud syni-SCOTCH COLLIE.pietry to the, English greyhound, and alsolessees the flns coat nnd frlngo of tho aetft lamlly. It remains to be seen whether"Pfflestlcatlon has been carried far enough toJ..K , IF.1? sll fierceness so as to make themultabletoallthe requirement of AmericanLlSi. "would be awkward for the lady If onoi thus dogs were suddenly to Imagine aFifth avenne for-wrapped promenader a bear,or If one of toem should take a sudden boundfor a aupposod wolf on seolnc a collie dog trotting along the nvenuo. Another rough kind ofdog Is tho peasants' f rlond. Ha has little ele-BLACK-AKD-TAW MAHCHERTKB TKBMKB.ganco, but groat nopetlto for wolves and foxes.and a still moro oommondable trait ol not onlyguarding tho fiooks of nhoop from ravages,but of helping thn shepherd In his work.Thl ,'nioi lean farmer has nexor solved theproblom of what kind of a dog ho shouldkcep.Tho rugged, bob-tnilod English shoop dog hasgonornlly boon conceded to be tho pride of thofarmer, but. tho fact Is. the Scotch collie hasnow tnkon the lead In those parts of American hero somo attention has been paid to man'sbopt friend. Many ot thane dogs aro bothhandsome nnd useful, but ot Into utility hasbeon sncrlllccd for tho ornamontal. nnd It Isvery doubtful whether Bomo of tho showspeclmons are tho right kind for the farmer.Tho wldo area of tho States nlTord nuiplo opportunity foi tho display of that Instinct of thooath's hope.Anglo-Saxon raco which the Frenchman saidwas "a craving to go out and kilt somothlng."To the sportsman tho Hold merit of a dog Istho Jit t-t consideration. Gath's Hopo hasproved himself an excellent Hold trial dog,winning tho Nutlonnl Derby on ono occasion,nnd he is also tho Biro ot a lone list of notedMeld trial winners, including Mope's Mark,winner of tho Derby last fall. These Hold trialchampions geneially possess bench showmerit, but it they do not. aportsmon havoaway ot showing their contempt lor mnrobeauty. Thoro nre clubs dovotod to the different Miriptle of the setter faraily, namoly.the English, Irish, and Gordon. Friendlyrivalry betwoon tho members of these classesnnd those who pin tholr faith to thn pointer domuch for the success of both field trials andbonoh shows. Each of tho clubs will offerspecial pri?es at the Garden 6how.Tho hunt olubx will undoubtedly be Interested in tho foxhound exhibit. Jlockaway,Meadow brook. New York, nnd cracks fromother kennels will meet and contend for theprices offered.Tho llttlo miniature hounds that are so fondof dinting tho cotton-tnlls, the beagles, willhave tho usual fine display. Those from thebanks of tho lthlno will bo found admlrlng-thelong-bodied, crooked -legged dachshunds,which many Americans call hounds. They" '- "SCOTCH COLLIE. THE SQtJTOE.BSITISH BULLDOO .rUO. THE VUV.KINO CUD.are tho German terrier, used for keeping thevineyards free of badgers and other pests thatruin the grapes.Besides German terriers, them will be thequaint llttlo Belgian Schepperkes. withoutoaudal adornment, but with a great appetite for rats and mice: the bull teTrior.'wfththe tenacity ot the bulldog combined withtho qualities of tho terrier; tho fox terrier, adog that is as well known in America as inEngland : the trim black and tan or Manchester terrier, rapidly growing In popular favorbecauBo of his elegant bearing, symmetricalproportions, ana usefulness. Of these,llroomfleld Sultan is the acknowledged peer.From Scotland comos the old-fashioned skye:also the Dandle Dinmont, those fiery little fel-A QUEEN OF ST. BEENABDS.lows of whom Sir Walter Scott wrote: " Theyfear uunthing that ever cam' wle' a hairy skinon't." Walnn nnd Ireland will bo representedby ono kind only, but thoro will surely boenough of grit and vim to satisfy tho most enthusiastic admirers of the terrier family.Canada will send spaniels by the score.Thero will bo merry llttlo cockers, long andlow Hold spaniels, and the demure clumbers.The breeders ovor the line make it hot forthose devoted to this dog in tho States. Thisyear thero aro challcngo cups, medals, andOLD ENGLISH SHEEP DOO.all kinds of special prizes ofTorod by membersof tho club. Ono member of tho club has sentto England for n specimen dog. specially dosigned to win the ilOU challenge cup. It wasnot known until tho entries closed that thorowould bo hiich a visitor, und thoso who woreconsoling thcmselns with the "uuro thing,"now talk of tho " dark dog " nn tho ocean. ,Thoro w III bo four-footed eludes at thn show,led by tho dandy French poodle, with his coattrimmed a la Fiancaiso. Then thero will bethn little, silky Yorkshire terriers, tho demurepugs, alii.iblo long-earod and bright littleKing Charles. I'l ince Charles, Blenheim. Iluby,niidJapnnu ospaulols. Tho ernes and symmetry of u smaller growth will bo found In thoItalian greyhound.SUIT. 1UGOIXO AT CASET.Now It le rialme4 That Chicago HasWoi-H.bler at Handball.Tu linnasill plnycri In thl Tlclnlty art grtly con.ceraed over tut moremtati ot certain experli la Chicago. They ro un'ier the liuprenlon tntt tbt playrrtor tbe exposition city wilt noon come to their vry oftblnUnz end luake a match. One thing ll certain,handball appeari to be booming In Chicago. Lait weekThomat Murphy luued u cballeoge to Willie McGuxn toplay hloi the belt of clen garnet, In Kennedy andjtcOuraa courli, for t:s a bide. Mcdura thoughtaucb a niutiti a worth S100 a aide. IntieAd of a tingle-banded match, articles of agreemeat ere tlgned on Tbureday for a ft between WillieJlcOurn and II. O'Hrlcn on one tide and Thomat Morphrand Jaiun Bran on the other tide The etaietareKKa tide The tint nve garnet will be played at Helium'scojrt todar an tbenet nx garnet at Kennedy's courton Veb. 21 E AUtfiala Jtjoea O'Brien, as old baud-,ball admirer wen known In the Eait, will be referee otW.'riKSI.SJfflWV.b aaye: "It IfcOnrnO'Urkn beat Murphy and Ryan II Is hlbly probablethat Mrdurn lll be tent V.att with ample backing tooppo.o rbll Caeey of Hrw.ll a for thy cbazoplonthlpoCthe Untied statet " Thlt wfl undoubtedly be good newsto the admirer of the gamp throughout the world IIChicago bat a roan to pluck the w.ri-earoed laurels fromCatey" the Weterner can have the whole tt Utooklyn.Theauncon'riuerable Catey Ionned bta best soil ofplaying clothet yetterday. The event waa a retoramatch at racquets between el-Congreiiman O'BelUy, athorough expert, and Cater. The retultt Utween theex-Cougrettiuan and ex-Aldermau were:Philip fa.ey 1 lg ,R 'fcDaniel O'Jleilly 12 1 8 16 10-0HurWr-WllUain Morgan.Prior to the racouet contett. Matty Celloni and MartyMulcaliy. to of J-ror Coggiu.'t pupile. gae DnDougherty and Jimmy Brophr a good Ueatlog at handball, the result being aa follows;Collum and Malcaby 31 II il-4Doogherry and Biuphy 10 16 IS UThe New Tork Csotral'o elsgaat North tters UB1U4asoidt ptrftot nrrlct M Chicago sad the West Ate,oxm cam conscnor All ska Most IaUrosttacClMSloal asaesaet Irobtia.tSOKJCM HO. 20-VT A, mtete.wBirt noai riicn.White t pity and mate In three mores.SOLUTION TO FROBLXH NO. 19.WAOa. Jtraoe.i Rt-qa irn3 Kt x , male1 Kt-Q S 1 It i3 Kt z , mat1 Kt-Q t 1(112 Kt in 7, male1 Kt-Q S 1 E-Q SJ Q B-K B S. mate1 Kt-q S 1 r-B3 Kt-U 3, mate1 Kt OS 1 Anyothti2 Kt z P. matCorrect solutions wsr received from C. r. Walden.Brooklyn! W. R, Reade ttrtet; Rudolph Schuler. Orange. K.J.i A. IllncbellBe. Brooklyn: Charles U Manning. Jamaica, N. .: Jonlor. Ne York: John Lewis.Brooklyn! Cart lllldebrandt. New HaTen. Conn j It. uWalker, New York! J. P. Hargrare. Boston, Matt.! J. A.O'Dowd, New York city: R.J. Ketnpton. Brpoklyn! GusNowak. New York city: I'. M. LeedT Brooklyn! MusutA. Berth. Rtapleton. A. M r. J. WlUltt. Waterjllle.Conn ! Jnlliiilfahndt.Johnttown.S.Y.s Kngene Illtion.Uotham ChettClubi L. (I. Kemnt Nenrk. N. .1.: Somerrilir. Brooklyn: Charles R. Adams, Norwich. Conn.:L. O. P.. New York: Henry K Norton. Rock l "J" 'L. I,i Umll Ulrlch, Stroudsburg. 1'a.j Wllllaiu t. Rhodes,Additional solutions to problem No. 19 were reMlredrrom Mrs. Mary C. Uarrls. Chlt-opee. Mass.; A. lynchcllSe. Brooklyn: H. J. Stone, Uoboken; Qustav Buchncr, dtapleton, 8. 1.AKSWERS TO CORBESPOSDINTS.Timothy Sullivan. New York. After 1. R QB.rxlJ.yon will nnd It extremely dUHcnlt to mate ' accordingly." Had you epecined th variations you couianot have helped Ultcovertng tuo fallacy ;t yotirkey move. II. Cleveland, Jamaica. U I. 1. B8 ch. Kt a B 2. R-B 5 ch. Kt-Q , TwflfthStreet, Bouth Brooklyn Mometlmt one will ranon eaty problems. A. A. Arnhelra. GothamChess Club It he has an opportunity. Htelnlts plays a;brilliant as any nlayer. Compare tho tourtb game orthe pending matoh. C. C. v. Tb problem you tent uemade the tout aronnd the continent, and bobs up serenely at regular Intervals In diftcrent conntrr olietscolumns. A. R. Adam h. C. Babcook. William M.Rhodea In our next number. T. M. Teed. Receivedwith thanks Chets. New ork It means that white. Ina irl en number of mores, must administer mate egalnttthelitaallable aetence. Therefore, yon rontt takeevery move into consideration which Mack may make,Itlsery rare that the nrt move Is a check. L. C. Babcock. Not tr P x R O. K. Jetsup. The classical gamesappeared In Tnx Be as follows! Number eon ov. 1.numbers II and 12 on Dec. 13, numbers 16 and 16 onDec. 27.SELECTED GAMES.Thesublolned game was recently contestedbetween Th. von oohove and Emtl albrodt,two ot the youngest but strongest players InGermany:TWMJTT-FOUltTH OAMK BUTCH OPENTNO.n. vox scum cwataion. ra. vokscbxtb. a.wiLsxtrDT.tnilt. lMk. WMU. JWor.1 P-0 4 T-KB4 BP-nScl Q-B2I2P-QB4 PK8 lOP-QKli P-K 4hkIjiro fct-XB iiB-fta. -55,,.4Kt-B8 P-Q4 12 Kt-Q 3 P-?.?!)rB-Kts B-fta in castles qkb-ki 4UP-K3 fastles UPxf BxP7BxKt(a RxB 16P-KKt8tte)BQ-B3 l'-B3(b)POSITION AFTER WHITE rrFTKENTH MOTE,slack (waiiioDi) rosatxu riser j.wji gia4 WiN&& fmi &JLJ&XVM 1 WB W& &JH m i murn mba,Wm vm8wnin (vo scaxtx) rouatux racxs.B-R3 28 R K 8 P-Kt81SK-Kt3 B-R6 2 K-Rsq R-Ktso37KR-KSO Kt 03 27Kt-K3 P-QB418P-B4 Kt B8 28BPxP(f)OxP19 Kt Bsa kt KtS 28R-OB3 QxP20 B X Kt B x B 80 R X P B-Q 2J1R-QJ OR-Ksq(f) 81 R-B 7 Klt-Beq22 Kt K 3 BK 3 32 K X R ch R X R23P-KR3 P-K KtS 33 0.-KI2 B-Kt 424 Kt K Kt 4 B Kt 3rOStnON ATTER BLACK'S THIBTT-TH1W) VOTE,BUCK (WALBROPT) TXX riXCEX.Wm IS wM wbM hW W& W Wfrm& tm mm wkwnx (vox senxvx) n.t rixcxs.84Kt-K5(h) P-KS 44R QBsq B B85 Q x Q ' P X Q 46 Kt- sq K X PSSU-IU2 Bxlt 4Kt-B8 It-OS87HPXU n-KBsq 47Kt-Ksq K-fli88Kt-l4 P-Kt4 48K-B2 B X It P8 Kt-Kt 3 li-B 8 ch 9 Kt-B 3 (I) B-Kt CheOR-Ktsq P-K7 611 K-Kt 3 B-HA41K-Kt2 It-0 8 61K-QRS0J K-K 342P-KI14 ri' Retigns.43PXP r-B4NOTES.(a) In order to prevent Kt K 5.(b) White threatened to win a pawn by 9. t x t, P x T;1(1. KtxP!() Thlt move weakens his Well played, should white teke the ntwn hewould loe the Q P. viz I 13.1'xP, Qx P; 14. Kt-Kl3. HI P. 15 A pretty combination, tempting black to win afann. whirl), howuver. nould be ruinous. For tnstsnee,r. .Ux Klch. IS. xPj 17. Kt X KP.Rxll;(It Px Kt, then IS. Uchecks. winning the exchange);1M. Q x It, P i Kt: IP Q x V, B-4J 3 (ft Q-l B 2, then20 Q lt-k so. wlonlngj: 20 K It-B sq. Kt-RO, 21, QK7, B-Kt 6: 22. QB-Ksq. While wins.r I' Kt nought to line been played hero,(g) There It nothing better; I'-Q P, u would toss'I") i'robtbly white's best move. If 84. O x Q, P x Q:311 K-Kl 2 or K-Kt q, P-K t; 89. R Q Kt 3 notKt x P because ot R-K sql B-Q ch: 87. C-R tq,H x P. the n bite Kt cannot retake on account of K-QB B. mate), I'-K H; SO Kt x P, R-K aq winning a piece.It would alto be dlsattroes to play the Kt at K2 on thethirty fourth move, for If Kt Bsq. then K x Kt, lollowed by B x Q P, "4 Jf Kt-Kt sq, then B X P, 86. R xB, Q-KBCh. Ac. ..,.(1) If It x R. thsa ftourse. B-KI S eh.LADIES At XHB KBIT TORK A. C.A.' X,artta Attealac aa latereeUacrrogramns orEveejU.The gymnasium of Hit New York Athletic Club presentsd an attractive picture ) ctterday aflernoon.when2,000 bright costumed ladles occuplederery aiallableInch of space In the big aparlmsnt. The occasion wasthe twsnty-Sftb Ladles' day of the club, and from noontill 8 P. M. the house was thronged with fair visitors.The entertainment was condnsd to gymnastics andfsncing. the champion water polo team being atProvidence. The programme Included a performance on the double rings by Champion Robert Stolt andU It. Sharp G.C. Turner showed how to sail throughthe air with the greatest or ease on the dying trepete.Alobtus Greer and instructor Donotan then gave an Interesting boxing bout, whlcn was followed by B. J.GlannlnT.J. A. Ward, Jr.. and O. Uoldls on I'escheUe.Herman iliertberg. a new member of the club, swungIndian clubs very gracefully. ,...The fencing was next started by a grand taint by MM.Capdevllle and Louis heme, artei which there werebouts with foils between Harold Slrebetgn and Maicolm Campbell and MM Capdevllle and Louts SenaoDifficult aorobatio teats were performed by O. IL Bnos,a C. Turner, B.J. Olannlnl.andO. Ooldle. after whichPhilip Fontaine and F, P. 11 aU Indulged. In a boxingbout. The balancing trepete act by Jer Btallwaamuch admired, aa was also the double trapese performance of E. J. Olannlnl and U. Ooldle.A bout with dneUlag swords between Samuel P. Shawand Uenry Lyman, and one with sabrss between Dr.B V. O'Connor and Dr. G. M. Hammond rioted the entertainment. Waldo Eprague wasmasterolcsremontcs.Baseball 3osle.Daring th bolstsroo baseball season of 1880 UenryM Love wet the President of the fUytre' League Clubof Philadelphia. H was a decided enthusiast aad pntconsiderable cash Into the, veutare. Love u theJunior partner of the Una of Thomas C. Leve a Sea,Philadelphia, manufacturer ef Jersey clotn. The firmrsstntly sde an SMigamtit with Utkllltlss of II o,00ALASKA SEALSKIN GARMENTS,Xomfen -Dtf,Psrfeot fitting, elegantly flnUhed.Prices Largely ReducedTo effect sales rather than carry over.Cemmmctnp Jfetulay, Ftb. IS,Sealskin JacketWill be sold $50 less than value.Seal Reefers and Walking Coats.ISO to $75 loss than value.Sealskin Sacquesand Newmarkets,$78. $100. and $125 less than value.Awry partnenl Jio th firm rutin in, therebyoarr-yln? ffie a4irmf ofrdtobUUy.Fur Capes. Fur Capes.$35 Astraehan Capes, $13.$30 Krimmer Capos, $18.$75 and $100 Bcal Capes. $40 and $00.$50 and $75 Mink Capes. $30 and $45.$50 and $00 Alaska Bablo. $35 and $40.JW One lot Mink and Bealsktn CombinationCapes, formerly sold at $05 and $75.Your Choice $20,Muffs, Boas, Bealsktn Caps, Gloves, Hobos.Gent' Fur-llncd Overcoats all marked wardown.C. C. SHAYNE, Manufacturer,Cp town, 124 West 42d stDown town, 103 Prince stT (7eniiln iliitfjoii Bay Offer Ilefer CoaU,htslin the tnrld, reduced to $250. Otter Muff,,SIS.N. B- Repairing and altering don now atlowor prlcos than In the busy soason.AXOIHER BREAK RU3 IIW A. A. V.The Orange A. C the T.nteat S ceder-'eVIIIOther Club Follow IThe action of the Central Association ot theAmateur Athletlo Union In calling for achango In tho manngoment ot tho alT.ilrs ofthat body, nnd the resignation of tho BtatonIsland A. C. from the Metropolitan Association, soems to bo Infectious. Tho Orange Athletic Club have caught the fovor.and at a meeting Friday night formally withdrew from theA. A. U. Tho Orange Board ot Governorswere all crosent and indulged in a longearnest discussion ovor the question. President Barstow and L. C. Falrchild, Chairman ottho nthlotlo department, made spcochos advocating tho withdrawal on tho ground that theywore not In accord with the actions and policyottbe A- A. U. Thero woro no remarks In opposition. Arthur Varian, a prominent member of tho club, and who Is ono ot the Board ofDirectors ot the Metropolitan Association, hadnothing to say. Mr. Falrchild drew up Utefollowing resolution, which read:Bnolrrd, That th secretary be instructed to notifythe secretary of tbe A. A. U. ot our withdrawal frommembership In that body.This resolution was unnnlmously adopted,and Secretary Louis H. Hyde yosterdny maileda copy to Secretary Sullivan ot tho A. A. IJ.The mtter official was in Boston yesterday, inattnndnnco upon n set ot games in that city.Thn Orange Club had been invited to entertheir baseball team In tho Amatour League,nnd thero was some discussion on that point,but no action was taken.Tho Orango A. U. hnvo beon In oslstoncoabout six years. Thoy have 500 mombers.nnd thoy are roputed to bo ono of the strongest and wealthiest clubs In this vicinity. Thoclub have paid but llttlo attention to trackathletlcH, but always made a feuturo ot baseball und football. .....When Mr. Vnrion was asked If ho expectedto bo elooted President of tho Metropolitan Association, for which position his name hasbeen frequently menUonod, he laughed amireplied:Decidedly not My club is not In It on thePresidential question.""Will the Orange A. C join the JanssenLeague ?" was aakod of Mr. Falrchild."fcannotsay." was tho response "Up tothe present time no delegates have been ap-Solnted. and no action has been Utken. What10 club will do on thut point remains to boseon.1'It has been asserted that tho Manhattan A.C. would follow in tho footsteps of the btntonIsland and Orange A. Cs Secretary Hugheswns seen by u Sun reporter last night."lias the M. A. Ctakun any action in thedirection of resigning from tho A. A. U. ?" wnsthe question put to the Cherry Diamondofficial." None whatevor. Officially the question hasnot been discussed. At the same tlmo. tho sentiment of tho members is in fuor of theclub dropping out of tho Union, llegurdingtho Janssen scheme tor a United StatesLeague ot Athlotio Clubs, the Manhattanshave taken favorable action. A committeehas boon appointed to attend tho mooting for tho formation of the Leagueand this cotnmitteo will report back to tlioclub. Tho opinion ot tho members and otllcials is very favorable to joining tho now organization." Eugene an Schnick talked In the samestrain as Secretary Hughes.Bartow 8. Weeks. President of tho Now YorkA. C, wns askod if his organization had takennny action In the direction ot Iuulng tlio A. A.U, Ho repllod that tlio mutter had never beenmentioned, officially or ottiurwirie. "Thero isono thing I would liko to havo set right," saidMr Wooks, "nnd that is regarding tho actionof tho New lorkClublnnppointingaconimlttcoto attend the meeting to organize the UnltodStates League of Athletic Clubs. Mossrs.Mills, BlucWhurst, and myself were named astho committee hut wo havo no power to actfor the club. Wo shall ruoroty go to tho meeting, nnd then report to tho club. We havo noauthority to commit the club to any action."As to whether the clun was likely to join thonow league, Mr. Wooks had nothing to say.The A. A. U. entno Into existence In tho Newjork Athletlo Club honso, mid, while tho sontlment of tho members is divided, fltlll thorowould bo strong opposition to any action antagonistic to the A. A. U.Brooklyn' 'evr Athletic Club.Tbe new athletlo organization, In which so manyprominent up town residents ot Brooklyn nre Interested, was started on Frldsy night at the residence otA. re-erelly. W5 Held avenue. The report ot the committee, which wai appointed to draft a constitutionand bylaws, was presented and adopted. The eonstltution nroridea for annual dues of S25, payablequarterly; and Initiation fee t SIS, but the first 100msmbers will be elected with an Initiation fee of S10,The Board of Governors will consist of nine men, threeof whom shsll be elected annually,Pr. Routed bss the honor of naming the athletloInfant, wl.lch is called the Arcadia Atblectlo Assoc!lion. It Mas derided to hnve a wheeling brancb, andextra Inducements will be ottered for unattached riderstn tbe upper rrrtlon of Brooklyn i-AtcUx oclistft formedthe nucleus or the Arcadia Wltetmeu. the title or (liev. heeling section. ItoMltng alleys will be rented attlrst, and later erected on the properly of tbe rluri.The Hue Committee were empow-red in secure options on propiny wubln the boundary of r-uianer andyatcben avenues, and Ilalsey street and l.afa)etiteienue, Tbe building will be flret-Uass in ever) particular. Among tbe earlier signers of the roll of membershipwere: l)r A. N, rtousnel. Thomas K. Lewis, J, hpenrerBrown, II, Blske Willis, Jules lleckman. Carll n. Hir.fang, A. Bruce Brown. J II tlacilrrgvr. William II.Issue, Joseph C. Spaeth, Zach Alexander Cooper, Dr.o. L Msyer.waltsr K. Hough, John I.Uon-pert.'fuomssr. Hlley. VV. K. Tway, and Augustus I'evrrelly. Thenamesof forty applicants were referred to the Board ofDorernors for action. The following nln geutlemenwere chosen es a Uvvernlng Boardi Thomas b. Lewi,.Jams L. Carter, J, hpencer Drown, Z. AlexanderCooper. Dr. A, N. Roussel, Jules lleclman. Thomas r.Riley. Walter E Houib. and Joseph C. ripaeth TheBoard will meet next Tueaday night at lbs resideuce ofThomas B, Lswls, 638 Ilalsey street.Has Corbet! I Full of Fight.JimCorbett called at Tin St'N offlce yesterday andssld that It usi about time filavln, Mitchell, and othersshould stop talking about fighting, "I kstealwa)tried to moke ths public understand," Corbett furthersaid, "that I am not posing as a champion of all nations, as the rest of tbe supposed fighters are doing,but trying hard to reach the top notch by fighting forIt. Heretofore t have not made any unnecessary brags,but when men like Mitchell and Slavln travel from pieceto place giving th ptibUo to understand that they arereedy to defend tbe titles which tbey claim, but havenever fought for, I cannot help bnt spsak my mind."Now, IfSlavinls under tbe Impression that be Isbetter man than I am. I will give him a ohance nextTuesday nlgbt at the Uadlson Sonare Garden In a sixround bout I will not compel hfm to Knock me out.but only to stsy six rounds, and abide by tbe Judgmentol any responsible official. If I da not win I will taskhim a present ot the entire rectpte of the bouse. I suppose be will give the excuse that bis engagement fnSew Orleans will prevent him from meeting me. buthis appearance there wUI col occur for over three)"The Olympic Club, through Mitchell's Influence, willpot otter a purse for a matcn between us, but there areother reliable clubs who will otter a purss. and I thinkMitchell and Siavla should stop blowing and try andmass a match."Word rrom Joe Hheebjr.J, rierson, backer of Joe hlieeby of Vi Isconiln, -Titer-dsysentatelegram to the ilutrotni Writs, a syuopls ofwhich would read as follows: "Sbeehy cannot get onfight with anybody, Frank 8. Lewis, the Wisconsinejetone. with whom be was matched for 'eb. 30, haforfeited UOO, and that match U 8. heby willrobably o to New Tork to meet Jim Corbett tn six origbt rounds, or to a finish." Corbett may meet Shssbyon Tuesday night at El abtw la th MaUa g-tttarsard.HITTING THE BOOKMAKERS.TUB FRATKRNITT LOKB ON FAVORITESAND SKCOXn-CItOrCB ItORXRS.Thre Arrested aad Admitted to nnlt-Rn.coca Win the Itnndtcup Teano ndthe HpHntere-Ooml Rnclnc In Faet Time,In sporting parlance bookmakers got It Intho neck nt Guttonburgyostordny. l'our favorites won and two sccond-choico horses capturod the othor purnos. " Moro bookmakershavo gone broke at thlstraek," snld a man Interoetodin tho business, "than at any othorracecourse In tho country, I know at least ahundred that havo had to eloso up their nocounts, George Walbaum has lost about $12.000 within a short tlmo, and otliors h Ave beonhit hard."Cnpt Graham and his aids appeared tn theusual Saturday matMo performance after thethird race, and arrpstod representatives of thoNowport, Hoi lorn, nnd Btar Turf Clubs soquietly that evon the clerks In the boxes knownothing of whnt-wns going on. The bookmakers were roloased on ball as usual andbusiness continued as before.In tho raco of tho day, tho mllo handicap,Bancocas, second oholco, led from tho start,nnd won bv nn open longthlfrom Btltzcn, thefavorite, who boat Vlrclo four lengths for second plnco.Toano. n hot favortto In the sprinters' race fora $500 purse, gnltopod nwny from tho field Intho homestretch, and won by two lengths fromInnovation, nn 80 to 1 chanco, who was riddenIn n mnstorly way by F. Leigh, brother to Eugene 8orvus camo tn third, H. .Tones beingobliged to pull Moglo up to prevent foulingInnovation and sending her ovor tho rails.Tho opening dash was won handily by thefavorite. Anomaly, beating Mnrty B. by nlength. Flambeau losing hecond place by alength. Tlio second race, a spin of llvo furlongB, was won by tho odds on favorito OncoAgain, by two lengths, Ivanhoe boating MarioLot ell ahead for the place, Brussels, secondchoice, captured tho race at a mile nnd aquarter by a length and a half. Van. tho favorito. beating Brooklyn a length and a half forsecond place. I'lltnnx. at odds on. won thesixth raco by a hend from rasselt. Bob Arthurfinishing a poor third. Mtmmary:Till: FIRST HACK.rutso StOO, for beaten horses: three quarters of amile.Lumasney Brothers' ch m. Anomaly, aged, hy Kingr.niest Maxim, 107 (IrMng) 1C. J. Kelly's ch. h. Marty B , il los id l.ngllsh) t!1). Johnson's b h. rinmlieau.n, 110 tFl)nn) aCrab cider, I'nder Cover, Molilc bails. Turk, CountLuna, Little Jake, and Gladstone also ran.Time. 1.1 hslBetting Two to 1 against Aiiomftlr, 3W to 1 MartyB., 8 to 1 Crab Cider. paid $1.40, 13, S3.2S.lUE SECOND niCE.Parse $400: selling; rive furlongs.Baden Stablo's b. h. Once Atrsln, 0, by OnondagaBlack Xarln. lot) (II. fenny) IR Sudan's b. k. Ivauhoe, aged. OH (Irving) JW. Lovell'nb m Marie Lo elL 6. US (Cook) 3l'eralto, Duke John, nnd Comet alio ran.' Time, 1 OJHBetting Two to 1 on once Armii. IS to r Ivanhoe, 10to 1 Marie LovelL Mutuals paid ?.75. (2 -i. $2.75.the Tiimn nxctHandicap; nnrse$MX); one mile.J. O'Leary's ch. h. Kancucais r. by Iroquoiss Ontario,ltd (Mynn) 1It. Bradley'a br. c. niltzen, 3 107 (II. renny) 2It llradlet'eb.f Vlritle 4, tl (II. Jones) SChurchill Clark and illemodiy also ran.Time, i lawBetting Eight to 0 agalnet Kancocas, 11 to 10 onBlllren. 50 to 1 Vlrgle. Mutuals paid $0.80, $2,70,(2.80.TOE rOUBTII BACE.Purse $500: penalties and allowances: Are furlongs.Khaftan htabfo'B It g Toano. rl, by Longfellow 8ala-ra, 113 (II. Penny) 1K. Leigh's br. r. luiioiallon. 3. SS(F. Leigh) 2C. K. hnnders's b. c. Serrus, 3, HI (Grittlnj 3Msglcalsu ran.Time. 1 02.Betting Twenty to W on Toano, RO to t against Innovatlott, 00 to 1 Magic. Minimis paid $2.10, (2 3.-, $13 OU.THE niTIt 11ACE.rurse $400; iflllnt: one mile and a quarter.Glen Island Mable'sh. Ii. Ilru'sels, 0. by Billet Hmllylnller. 108 isnuleUer) 1I. Merbarh's b h Van, eged. ion (II. I'cnny) 2J. bhleldssb c. Krookljn. a. hs (llrillln) 3Sir George 11.. Browu Charlie, La (Irlppe, Iceberg, andTelephone also ran.Time. 2 12M-Betting Five to 1 ogslnst BruHiels. 3U to 1 Van, 4 lo1 Brooklyn. Mutual: paid 16 20, $0 80, $0.40.THE SIXTH HACK,Purse $400: selling: seven furlongs.T. Welch s ch g climax, aged, by FcotlanderParides 113(11 rennj) 1r.len Island Mahle's oh c. Kasaett. 8. 101 (Suedeker).. 2W. II Tlmmonssb K Bob Arthur. 4, B (Mason) 3Vocnlit. sparling, Lady Pulslfer, Minnie ('.. Debonnalre. Mulligan. Uold Digger, Kismet, und Silver Mintalso ran.Time, 1.30MBetting Ten to 7 on Climax. IS to 1 against Fassett.IB to 1 Bob Arthur. Mutuals paid $3 45. $3 85, $39 OS,8TAXTBR CALDWBJ.T. BUTS A FA113T.The Veteran Wilt Retire to Kentucky at theEnd ofTno Tears.Information of a trustworthy character hasbeen received from Kentucky to the effectthat JamosF. Caldwell, tho famous starter ofracehorses, who is in Kentucky, has bought afarm and intends to rotire from business whenhis two years' contract with tho Hudson CountyJockey Club and tho Saratoga Baclug Assocla-Tho proporty bought by Mr. Oaldwoll Isknown as Col. James w. Guest's Homo Farm.It is two miles from Danville nnd consists ofyi)5 ucres of rich bluo grass land. Mr. Caldwoll said before leaingtlilHcitytliat ho wouldlay don n tho Hag for good at the end ot twoyears.Tbe Winners at East St, louts.Rt. Lorn. Feb in first Race Five eighths of a mile.Perecal first, Thorns second. Belle Redmond third.Time. 1 rVl. .herond Iince Three fourths of a mile Onre first.Day Dream second. Advent third. Time, 1:1 S.Ihird Race Four and a half furlongs. Mayor first,Etemninder necond. knte Clark third. Time, o .VSLInurih ltace Three fourths of a mile, hpeutatorfirst. Bessie K. second. Jubilee third. Time, 1 :IBiI- Ifth ltace One mile. 11111 ? e firKt. U inslow second.General Caldwell third. Time, 1 :4&H.The Queens Gamecock Won,Two old breeders of fighting cocks, one from Kingsand tbe other from Queens county, bold, spirited mainyesterday on staten Island. Fifteen birds aside wereshown, and thirteen weighed In. The Queens countybirds were called " P.ockaways," and the Kings county" Oravedlggere." The stakes were $100 on the mainand $2o on vacn fight.The rirHt battle .is between two r pound flounceblack reds llio "P.irlnay" bird was the favorite.Both birds lost an rje rurly in the nght, hut that didnot abate their pirn 1. In eighteen minutes tbe " Oraredlirg-r" wan struck stnno blunt.i fh i-iiiul hnttle klnuecounlr showed a A nound10 oume bl-vck red with while hackle and Queenscounty a bluo red "hennv" uith dark hackle. Tbe"lUickana) "bird won in rt minutes 20 seconds.Two 3 pound III Miinte black r d were pitted ngsintteach oilurfor the third battle. The light wns brisk andlivelv from ihe Ntsrt. and lasted 7 minutes 11 i-econdsTho Kings i-ouut) bird won after gii log bis opponent abritu tlirunt tm MA d irk gray with a white nacklo and a brase back,wcighlluM pounff 3 ounces each, wrro next produced.The light rtnly lasted rour minutes. The "(,ratcdigger"showed tlio while feather and turned tall after histhroat bad been cm.The lllth battle lasted only 3 minutes 20 seconds. Itwns betnrin 4 noiind 2 ounce cocks The "Oratedigger" ss killeii.Knurs comity showed a Mack red with white hackleIn tho sixth battle, while Queens connty's representeetlto waa a brass hack, lhi- weight of eorhwas 4pounds (I muii'iM Hie "Craediggcr" won tsiil) in 5minutes IHstiondp.Thesettuth battlo was one of the best of tho nisin.Thei-outckUntsweroalirown red with gray hacklesfur Kings county, and a brass back for Queens, theweight being 4 pounds 1 ounce. Both birds wiro actlvn. strong, and pliuky. Atteratus.le of sixteen anda halt minutes tho referee decided It to be a draw, andnil bets wero derlared on. ,..,.. , .Kings county showed a black red Weighing 4 pounds4 for the eighth battle and Queens county abrmvnrid of equal weight. Tho " ftockawn) ' birdlost sne early In tho light, but the "C,reedlgger"w is killed In 7 minutes ........In tlie ninth bailie the Queens county bird bad anad vantage of one ounce. The neck of the Kings comitybird ssi brokeu and he woi counted out in 2 mlnuus14 seconds . ,, . .The same advantage was held by a 4-pound 1 ouncebtark red of kings county lu the tenth battle, lie wonIn 10 minutes IB seconds.In the last and decisive battle Queens rountr showeda 4 round ft-ounce black red agafnst a 4-pound 4 ounceblack red mud. The latter showed no light and the"Kockaway" bird had a walkover. ThUgaiothe inslnto (Justus county,Tobogganing Good la Jersey.EUTOBiior. I'cO IB. The cold neatherfor the puttwo da)S lias made the lovers of tobogganing veryhippy. At the F.tsex County Toboggan Clu"j lost evening, the largest uowri that has participated In theH orl this season wos on hand. The slides were inbitter condition than at any lime this season. Theclub bouse was used for dancing, and the sport wascontinued until nearly midnight.THINKS IT MIRACULOUS.MH. J. UENKY PADEFLOUS, steward,Erooklja eTtub, Brooklyn, tells a reporter; "During tbe last four years I hare been very IU from aprotracted disease of the chest, attended by greatdifficulty of breathing and severe cough, which gaveevery evidence of verging Into consumption or conUrmed asthma. These symptoms and the anxietyof my friends Induced me to seek medical advice. Iconsulted several physicians, took alt the cough remedies, asthma, and consumption cures, without nny relief. No hope was given me by aU the doctors whom Iconsulted, and they told ray wire and friends I had consumption, and waa Incurable. By chance a lady friendof my wife told her of the enreof a similar easoiberown brother) asccessfuUy treated by Pro. Wolfe andDeutscbberger at their private Institute.Asa last resort, I determined to consult them. Bytheir advice I took no medicine, but regulated my diet,and culled dally tor ttalvano-Karadlc applications Af.tertbreo weekslbegan tobebenctttcd, by degrees theharassing Lough grew milder, and tbe pain in my chestRradually disappeared, and now I can sleep eight hoursi succession without an attack, and whether I hadconsumption or asthma I know I am cured, and feelaternaUy grateful to Drs. WOLyg aad DKOTbCHBBBOBB, who make a specialty at UU modern treatmentat their privateMi.voTum.tuancja. tttwmvTX.IMWMtaMM. ItBlftt,!o7wVortiTTcu1PfiSaHJUICKLV SOLUBLE )PLliASANTLY COATIiDj))cure SSick-Headache,anti .-.IIBilious and Nervous jDiseases. Senowned till over the World. (Ask for Dereham's ami Like no ellicrt.ade at M. Helens, hngland. Sold liyS'unrtls nnd dealers. Niw Ytrk Depot, CLAnr i.Ain ro rest.Thlrtj.rour Tenre Ol.l, She Took a ItrcorelofSiaA l.S line). In the Hlxtlre.rtEAPisn, Fob. 111." Yes. wo'ro going to killLady Gray to-tlny," said thevoternn turfman,lllrnm Bchltler, on Friday. " Bho has reacliodthe utul of her yoats and we nro going to puther out of her m leery." Mr. Schiller lod tho wayback to n tonr stall ot his olght-slory stablo onCourt stroot. whore a beautiful chalk-whltomaro wus lying on a blanket. "fho Is 34years old, and much ns 1 hnto to soo her go, thobost that can bo dono Is to mid hor pain."In another part ot tho stable, on the groundfloor, tho stablemen woro digging tho gravefor tho old tnnre. "Dig It eight feet deep."snld tho ownor, " nnd when you havo finishedIt put n good bod of clenn shavings nt tho bottom. That's tho way 1 do with alt the goodhorses that die for me. I havo burled sevenhorses in nil In tho stablo hero. Tholrravos aro In n row. Tlio grnvo ot Ijidyray will bo tho eighth. Kho wob good in hortime, thirty years ago, when sho had a recordof 'J:.'14.',. It don't Htnml liiuli to-day, ofeottrso. but In tho sixties it wus right good.Tho boventh grnvo liow Is that of i.ndyAVhltp. Slio was tho nmto of Lndy Gray,and dlod four years ngo. They worn a very finennd well-mated air or mures, white as snow,fast and gentle. I inner hud them In tliollvory. They pulled mo und my family, nivwhite hearse, and high-toned wedding couplesto church, nnd that's all."During tho ubmooonveisatlon a veterinarysurgeon was chloroforming Uitly Gray, ami init few minutes she wns dead. Tno t-tablemen.with tears In their eyos, prepared her body forburial, brneotl her limbs woll up toward herbody, carried hor to hor grave, and loweredher to her bed of clean white shavings. Thonthey placed a heavy gray blanket over her andtucked It under at tlio sides, so that no earthcould touch or soil tho much-lined mare. Aheavy planking followed, nftor which the gravewns flllod In. Thoro wns as much solemnityabout it as is witnossod nt many funerals.portsrtuui'is (ffootls."CYCLfNGINFORMATION."Our pamphlet bearing this titlecontains much interesting readingabout bicycling, means of learning to ride, terms for privateinstruction in our 50x100 feetriding hall, &c. Hailed on request.NOW is the best season to learnto ride.Our BOWLING ALLEYS areopen to the public until 7 P. M.Young men of good families findour BILLIARD BOOM an attractive resort NO LIQUOR SOLD.THE TOURISTand all the leading makes of Bicycles are in our salesrooms.Some bargains in second-handwheels.M Ii. BIDWELLCYCLE CO.,300 to SIO West r.fMli St.,Near 8th Ay. Entrance Central Park.Jj&PALPlNQ'S LJ 241 Broadway, ! Im Are showing the 1892 !Jt Models of the ! I2 VICTOR L1 BIQYCLES LJ I acknowledged the best. "J Also the New Model ! Ij Credenda, j Ffl Equal to any machine ! BJ made excepting the Victor, ! Wfl and sold at the extremely BJ low price ot $90.00. ', W"J Nonpareil, fLJ i Both Cushion and solid !fl tires, the very best Boys' BJt lA.a.SPALDINO&BROS. LT ' f 241 Broadway. . mrfflTAttbL &KE1HNRV. I1 30 nnd 132 JEani lBlh !:' flVcar lid e Jr. H, Are nrrrrlnr AT VFRT MOnnrUTK nttRKI 4 .HsbbbbbIl.i.MiA.-. r ANSui'.iMh.vr ok i.kauimi sirilBior 7IHnitnvuii imh. 2'bbbbbIlimit un. ms with i:TKNio' nn octaooI bbbbbIHuiS'r-si'l(lll.l, 1IROLIIIUM- 1.101IT aiNOLaV :'bbbbb1IIIIIISi: Hl'.lH lllU.Ma 1(111 I'llVSICIA.SS' USB. ;lHA till re Nnmher of New Vlelorlasi MtlCskfc, J.BbbbbIrlnlrle llulll i:nrely ibp Vm bjr tka ftesil bbbbbIMiikcf. nnd on Islets Wo Olve ike CsUtaai kbbbbbilliarnnlee. - aaBaialso a mnk nispur or tup. nxwest aktjmo 'rMAITROM U IlI'.SUlNO IN St'MMER WORK. tHCIIVSISTIMI OP VH.j.. llriU;lr Trnpa, On me ITsuronsi, 'vaalHhoollitK Miicnne. Hnririe or All Kinds). mVHob (nrtx or r.eerv Klyle. WncMettasis HDonkrv saint I'oiiv Carta, KeaelBsrleMie, 3 bbbbbslliirkliouide, MnnHbouIB. "HAMI MANY mil r.H.BIMor FANCY TRAfU tt iHOAK. AUI'I.I.. AMI flllllfK NATURAti WOODS. HTill. WORK IS MOBTLY BftLT TOR lS FROH OBN 'aaBaiOWN nrMUVfc. AI.I, KI'U.Y fiUAnAMF-RD, AJB . bbbbbIfcljriKlt Ilhhhs fiHOur Slnek or Nffoiiil-lliiiid Carriages '! rnMfom or Till M0!T MinncF.ABf.K AVn iBBBaiMOtlEltN KINDS: I.II.RY ItlHICLK (1 RBrBNT 'MsM'IAI'TLRF. IS IIRI'lllsPMl:l. M SY OF THBlJ BBBaiBfj !!?. 1 N IHNT? V 0 1" IMI A Hl-fc IMOM .NEW. AND OfTill! MAkK ' )HROI'flllAMR I'OM'llie rnlTF-ROCKAWAm. BBBaiMX.'AMKMII.!lROl KWIAlS OMMBtSKS? DRAO? bbbbIv.m;i.imii mail i-ommi. mmhw i.andaulet 'LbbbITALLY 110. KATUN-ION' Till' IMIALTIINS. TOF AVI I'KS KOAII UAIIONh AVI FIIAhTO.NK OF ALU BbbbIKINDS. T LAI1TH, blAMIOI'hS. MAIL FIIAKTON 'ac. Ac i HOUR HARNESS ROOMis ki:pli:tk with all tiik nkw catthrns t MllimsKT I.I.ATIIhlt lOK l.lllllT ND IIKAVV UM- MWI.Il OKN. AMI i II SS I Midi IITI.III.V THE MJ.L.S ,, BAND MOST YM'.lEIl NTOI'K III IIAIINIlbS. BADDLlii, BBbIURIDI.1..N Willi. I,:. IN IIIKI.OL.STRY. HMatched I'nrrlacn l'ulr and Fine (Slnxle ,llorere Alsvayeon Hand) 'I'rotUraaas 'MHouileirns, and lloreee lorPARLOR KLEVA10U ttl M.I. PLOdll.'i lMVan Tassell & Kearney. -'llSTAUI.ISIII.D lm;7. Hjpii Ai) VKt-T I a r 1 1 -ir.ll'RTO ll"t I.Ahl ISTller. HNear 3d Avenue. , IFLANDRAU &CO., IDOWN TOWN.372. 374 and 376 Broome St. IVV TflH'X, ,Broadway, 51st St. and 7th Ave. IElegant Carriages -'"'!of the best class. ILowest Prices for Prompt Cash. vA -TlTfi I.MfitE hTOL-K OF "WAlIONS. Ca p-KIA:Ef. 1P.UCK8. TARTS. FARM WAOOM?. RAllIlOAU CARTS. IIARNhb. Hl.A.NKf.TS. c. OfTIIK t'MThll STATES IVABOV AND CARRIAOBCOMPANY. Wl AV, 4HTII AND MYTH TS . MUST BB lHOLD HY APRIL 1 R!.f! tlHILIXi OF COST, A IA1 lO RETIRE I ROM Tllh Hf.-IM.hS.I'M Kit A. CASSIPY. Frepr. !EDWARD CALLflNAN'S SON, iCAKRIACR BVII.Dr.H,6? Vfrm 4lh ni., olh aad Slth A. ;DKMliNK AND LSTIMSThS 'sebmittcden nn srrle ur rarrlsee. Mne earrisce re ;pnlrini" a sni laltvTIIOROl'LII nilllK. MODERATE PRICFH :EDWARD CALL NA.N's SOX CAltltl AC.F. RIILPER. MT W..I 441b HI., ath and Oils Ass. 9m'(-.I.Kl-- WAOONH. 100 NEVY. 10 M.O 1OND HAND HEI.IXI-RY WAI.IINR ALL 8TYLEH. 9H I.I.V tRK4NTLD. lV OK MANUFACTi;KER8. INAVL MONF.I WAGON'S TAKEN IN EXCI1ANOH. '1m.'IINON WAIIIIN CO.. MJ HUDSON ST. 1Bl MNESs WAOONs" large assortment, our nwii 2make. hVi built to onler: rrpslrmit and palntlna:low nries. pa. Irrrns; h.trnlns In sMMinit hand rse ,ra: Kill Xi.ljaiiK'e. CIII.l'MIII A IIUN CO. tJI.2).4J1 Wrst If.llist., nrarlllh a. IITRri'KRUILI)Wl-U elrcont sinslo trin-ks: pnre Urrnnonautf; made tj bitinmacher. I3S Vest stnear Punk.port.muir.ti 6oot!. fBICYCLESFOR NOTHING!ilAitr Anvr.UTrsr.i) by HiiAnrKRs.MK nAVr. honfTer, mans barsiiln PromSO np want. You nre cnrdlallr lavlted ( 1(AU lll (.IDT TH.Oar Hltllnc Hthuol l m. rrnlltr. It Is Itto or nuil bus padded hIIbi and fTfrjcM- 1venlrnri- for our rimtomert' i-omfort Is pro- W,vldfd. Comprfrnt ln(rurtttr In chiirgfPiItm(c litf ruction Irre fo iinliunrra. Ithe: Ain;iti.ORMONDE CYCLE COMPANY,a.oni and t.omi hi.v i:th at., 'Cor. lS4lh si., .m:vjokbs. &BICYCLE SALE."'.'(XI IfM IVM Ksrtlles, Cuililnn Tlrrs. al860 3E3.0X3LT.FINIHT AMI 1IKHT MADE. " 9',T1IKY CAN'T BE UIPLICATEB,Alto a lot of msbk' tlrrd Coliinililss st 175 eaekscushion tired IlsrlforJs, ffls earn, million ToarlaU,171 ex n, Ormondes, 8 etch. 'IRt-PAIR SHOP KIM.SI IN cirr. IHAMILTON STORES, j277 AMD 279 LENOX AV.(IBaTH HT.I j jMANVfAUTIIBKB' BASEBALL SBXVft, -.CVCa.KHi.HOA.,fbCANEf.. AN.WM. WOOD,GYMNASIUMSAND BiteVI.INB AM.F.TS tBUILT AND KKPAIRF.D.epeclalprlcrstoiluUsandttietrade SmiiI lor catalog fS.. Yest Ht., X. .BlCYCLtMUN IMTAr.i.VIJiNTa. IMost liberal oiler ever mads. yVICTOBH. CJ.Wr.NDABOB Ba. ICall; examine claai ese sample marBlnta: ITHE Jt(VlTABLK S3KNKBAX. JPmTI. , I"TSSBfcjr-!-: 'r A
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